Presentation to Parish Council by IM Properties
Proposal for a new traffic light controlled roundabout, at the Hulcote turn on the A43
Published: 26 February 2020
Please be aware that IM Properties will be delivering a presentation to the Parish Council at the start of their next meeting.
This will take place at 7pm on the 9th March 2020, and will be held in the school hall.
IM Properties are the company who are planning the development of land from the rear of the Bell Plantation up to the Hulcote turn on the A43.
This land sits between the Old Tiffield Road and the A43 dual carriageway.
Whilst the exact details of the development are to be confirmed, it is proposed that it will include a number of industrial and commercial premises.
To allow the development to take place, there is a proposal for a new traffic light controlled roundabout, at the Hulcote turn on the A43 as well as new roads into the proposed development and/or a change in the status of existing roads in and around our parish.
The Parish Council meeting is a public meeting and as such any residents who wish to attend are welcome to do so.
If it is your intention to come along to this meeting, can you please notify the Clerk via or on 01327 323195.
This will ensure that provision is made for any that wish to come along.