13 July 2019 - Planning
Application from IM Properties for development of Tiffield Lane
Development of the land between the end of Tiffield Lane and the A43.
Development of the land between the end of Tiffield Lane and the A43.
Please be aware that the attached documents all relate to the Notice of the period for the exercise of public rights.
Please be aware that the draft minutes from the last Parish Council meeting, held on the 10th June, are now available in the Agendas & Minutes section of this website. They will be ratified at the next Parish Council meeting on the 8th July 2019.
Please find attached the agendas and associated documents for the Annual Parish Council Meeting and the next Full Parish Council Meeting.
Please find attached the draft minutes from the Annual Tiffield Parish Meeting, held on the 8th April 2019.
Please be advised that the external auditor PKF Littlejohn have now released their Final Auditor Report and Certificate in respect of Tiffield Parish Council for the financial year 2017/18
The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is when the Council elects it's Chairman for the forthcoming year, sets meeting dates, and conducts various other items of business which are statutory requirements for the Council.