IM Properties submit application plans for Tiffield Lane
Important news re IM Properties Development
Published: 15 October 2020
Hi all,
Important news re IM Properties Development
As some of you will be aware, the planning application from IM Properties has now been submitted to South Northamptonshire Council.
The link to the appropriate page is included below, which affords you the ability to enter any comments you may wish to make under the ‘Comments’ tab.
Tiffield Parish Council discussed the application at the last Parish Council meeting on the 12th October with a representative of IM Properties in attendance (via ZOOM).
The Parish Council are currently formulating their response and have agreed to a further discussion with the developers before the closing date for the submission of comments (6th November).
The date of the discussion with IM Properties has yet to be agreed and in line with current Government advice, the meeting will be held via an online platform, such as ZOOM.
Sadly, this will mean that it would be almost impossible to make this a public meeting and as such, if you have any matters that you would like to be put to the developers, could you forward them to me and we will look to collate the main themes which we can then include in the discussion.
Once the response for the Parish Council has been agreed, I will again post it on this platform, in the village noticeboard and on the village website.
Due to the time constraints the Parish Council are not in a position to leaflet the whole village to make everyone aware that the planning application has been submitted, so please feel free to share the details of this post with your friends and neighbours, including the link to the relevant Planning Application page as shown below.
For your information
Andy Tennet
Clerk – Tiffield Parish Council