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IM Properties Planning application for Tiffield Lane

The planning application for the development at the end of Donkey/Tiffield Lane by the A43 crossing has been submitted.

Published: 23 October 2020

Dear all,

The planning application for the development at the end of Donkey/Tiffield Lane by the A43 crossing has been submitted. The reply from the Parish Council objecting to this is attached. Please read it – it is long and detailed – but it has to be!

We are hoping that you will agree with our objections to the application and let SNC and the developers know this too. It is really important that you make your views known and it is very simple to do.

Please write to SNC planning. Details of how to do this are in the attached ‘Contacting SNC Planning’. Feel free to use any part of the attached objection letter when objecting to the application.

Remember. The deadline for submission of comments is November 6th.

The Parish Council are in the process of arranging a further meeting with IM Properties by Zoom or similar on November 4th. We will discuss the contents of this letter with IM Properties and their representatives on this date. We will let you know how this went.

Please try to help us preserve the rural nature of this area and keep the village free of traffic!!

Thanks for reading this,

John Beasley,


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